Monday, March 28, 2011

gift card?

What would you do with a $100 Amazon gift card? I am so distracted by the sub-categories, clothes, home, books. So many options!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

what to do with old photo's?

I found this deal online:
$25 for $50 worth of photo scanning.

Great use of saving memories and saving space!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On the search to clear the crumbs

I feel like a grown up because I am looking to buy a vacuum cleaner. To be clear, this is not the only reason I feel like a grown-up, but I feel like purchasing things for our home that require research (Consumer Reports Magazine) is something...

I have narrowed my search down to the Dirt Devil Featherlite Bagless but of course now that it was featured in Consumer Reports and Good Morning America it's sold out everywhere!

The search continues.....the crumbs are piling up and our Dirt Devil Kone just isn't cutting it anymore for the larger spaces.

Monday, March 21, 2011

This week's home task...

In the spirit of the spring, which starts today March 21st, I will begin spring cleaning of our food pantry. I will be see what food's have expired, have been uninspiring or even just down right not going to be used and find a place or person to donate it to or throw it away.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What's in YOUR wallet?

I was watching a segment of a morning show and that had Suze Orman on talking about what is literally inside of your wallet.

Inside my wallet you will find:
1) my drivers license
2) my health insurance card
3) credit card
4)back up credit card
5) a few business cards
6) library card
7) metrocard
cash and coins

That's it! and that is also what was inside Suze Orman's thin wallet, she showed it on air.

I've had this conversation with Husband before about thinning out his wallet. Why carry around old ticket stubs, expired id's, college ids? Usually when I come home I take out all receipts into a basket I keep by where I leave my bag. Then at the end of the week I take 5 minutes and go thru the basket to see what I need to keep for my files and what I can toss in the shredder. Husband has the theory that you never know if you need "x" or you never know if you need "y". Well my philosophy is if you have to start your sentence with "you never know" then you should toss it or at least take it out of what you carry every day.

Also from a safety perspective, having had my wallet stolen twice in my life, the less you carry around with you the easier and quicker it is to call and cancel the credit cards and id cards to get new ones.
The inspiration for this blog.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tip for old papers

A tip for old papers from a new friend....scan them into a folder on your computer!
Papers from high school, undergrad and grad school? Have them stacked in boxes in someone's basement or in the back of a closet, just in case you want to reference them or because you worked so hard them? Scanning is a great way to preserve the work and the paper quality and free up space!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Does Martha Stewart Do When She Gets Too Much Stuff?

Husband found this quote in NY Magazine from earlier this year and felt the need to pass it on to me:

"I build a house! What a silly question. Don't we all need more stuff?"
-Martha Stewart on what she does when she runs out of storage room

While I do not recommend building a house or even renting a storage unit, I do believe there are ways to manage memorabilia and archives in all living space. This quote goes back to my theory with organizing and stuff: out of sight, out of mind. Find useful ways to store old papers, toys, etc.

Need me!

P.S. clothing drive this Sunday March 6th

If you are in the New York Area there is a clothing Sunday March 6th from 10am-4pm. Drop off on 95th btn Amsterdam and Columbus!

Let the sorting begin!

donation denied

I am a bit beside myself right now....I just got off the phone with a local organizing in the New York Area (that being my local area) regarding dropping off some baby supplies (a pack n' play, high chair, baby bath and some additional items in good condition) for an organizing client.

On a side note: one of the things I enjoy most about working with my clients is helping them move things out of their space once they've decided to part with their items. I do the research of places to donate things, set up delivery, etc.

This local organizing told me they are not accepting donations because of budget cuts. I replied that I wasn't looking for money but rather to drop off a donation to a family in need. And the woman on the other end of the phone responded that there is no one working at the donation center to accept the items nor could I drop them off at the main office.

I am beside myself because an organizing that helps families in need and poverty can not accept free donations? What is wrong with this picture???