I am a bit beside myself right now....I just got off the phone with a local organizing in the New York Area (that being my local area) regarding dropping off some baby supplies (a pack n' play, high chair, baby bath and some additional items in good condition) for an organizing client.
On a side note: one of the things I enjoy most about working with my clients is helping them move things out of their space once they've decided to part with their items. I do the research of places to donate things, set up delivery, etc.
This local organizing told me they are not accepting donations because of budget cuts. I replied that I wasn't looking for money but rather to drop off a donation to a family in need. And the woman on the other end of the phone responded that there is no one working at the donation center to accept the items nor could I drop them off at the main office.
I am beside myself because an organizing that helps families in need and poverty can not accept free donations? What is wrong with this picture???
4 days ago
Everything takes money. Or dedicated volunteers, or both. Who will identify the family in need? How will those things be transported?